The Amazing Adventure of Marco Polo
Marco Polo’s sweetshop is not doing well and he thinks he will have to close for ever. Suddenly a mysterious stranger called Mandarin appears. He (or she) offers to takeMarco, Violet and Henry the Cat on an adventure to China to find the secret recipe for a fantastic sweet which would restore their fortunes.After being shipwrecked at sea they meet a fierce Dragon, Ninja warriors the Emperor of China and his Granddaughter Princess Lotus Blossom. Lotus Blossom wants to be free to see the world and after persuading her Grandfather to give Marco the secret sweet recipe she travels back with Marco, but Violet stays to start a new life.
* Contains 7 original songs, with music score, chords and words.
* Downloadable music files for rehearsal and performance.
* 30 pages of script, plus 18 pages of music and words. A4 size.
* 7 main characters, plus any number of shop customers, Ninja warriors,Courtiers and Palace guards.
* Lasts between 45 minutes and 1 hour.